“Drift” Starring Sam Worthington is set in 1972 and tells the story of the Kelly brothers as they start a new life in a remote Australian coastal town where they come up against suspicious locals, killer waves and ruthless bikers as they struggle to kick-start a new business based on surfing, their greatest passion. Rick was D.O.P of the 2nd Unit and D.O.P of the Water Unit shooting on the latest high speed Red Epic M cameras with custom built water housings.
Starring Sam Worthington (Avatar), Xavier Samuel (Twighlight) and Myles Pollard (Wolverine). Directed By Morgan O’Neill and Ben Nott. Produced By Tim Duffy, Michelle Bennett and Myles Pollard. Water Director Of Photography Rick Rifici.
Based on true events, Drift is a story set on Australia’s spectacular and rugged coastline in the early 1970s. It begins in a remote coastal town with the two Kelly brothers, who spend their youth searching for the perfect wave.
Out of necessity the family launch a backyard surf business; re‐thinking board design, crafting homemade wetsuits and selling their new surf gear out of their van. Battling killer waves, small town conservatism and hard-core criminals, the brothers persevere, daring to dream of a world where they can surf to live and live to surf.
A story of passion and corruption, deadly addictions and fractured relationships, Drift tells a tale of courage and the will to survive at all odds.
Released in cinemas globally April 2013.